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IVSA Brno, Czech Republic z.s. is a student association of students of the Veterinary University of Brno. It was founded on October 22, 2007 and is the only association of its kind in the Czech Republic. We are part of the international organization IVSA Global - International Veterinary Students' Association, which brings together over 38,000 veterinary students worldwide from more than 70 countries.

Currently, our membership consists of over 230 members and we try to provide VETUNI students with a rich extracurricular program and extra education in the form of professional seminars. All the running of the organization is ensured by the students in their free time, and with each new year new ideas come, so no event will ever be the same!




IVSA Brno, Czech Republic, z.s.

Palackého třída 1946/1
621 42 Brno

IČO: 22673661
DIČ: CZ22673661
